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Convert Monthly To Annual Churn
A simple way to convert monthly churn to annual churn is to use this formula:
Annual Churn Rate=1−(1−Monthly Churn Rate)^12.
Or use the calculator and table down below. You can also use Churnkey's free metrics product for a more advanced, accurate calculation.
Annual Churn:
Monthly Churn Rate | Annual Churn Rate |
1% | 11.36% |
2% | 21.53% |
3% | 30.62% |
4% | 38.73% |
5% | 45.96% |
6% | 52.41% |
7% | 58.14% |
8% | 63.23% |
9% | 67.75% |
10% | 71.76% |
11% | 75.30% |
12% | 78.43% |
13% | 81.20% |
14% | 83.63% |
15% | 85.78% |
16% | 87.66% |
17% | 89.31% |
18% | 90.76% |
19% | 92.02% |
20% | 93.13% |
21% | 94.09% |
22% | 94.93% |
23% | 95.66% |
24% | 96.29% |
25% | 96.83% |
26% | 97.30% |
27% | 97.71% |
28% | 98.06% |
29% | 98.36% |
Explore Other Churn Calculators (coming soon)
Net Churn Rate
Revenue Churn
Monthly Churn
Annual Churn
Customer Retention Rate
Gross Retention
Net Retention
Renewal Rate
Gross Renewal Rate
Net Renewal Rate
Revenue Retention
Gross Revenue Retention
Net Revenue Retention
Logo Churn
Product Churn
Involuntary Churn Rate
Voluntary Churn Rate
Customer Downgrade Rate
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