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Friction Logging in Dropbox

Updated: Jul 16, 2024

A long list of little things I discovered in the activation flow (part 1).

Over a 130 screenshots

If you only have time to read a few, I recommend 4, 9, 14, 16, 20, 26, 30


Potential opportunities?

  1. Not sure if this is an A/B test or a bug, but I did not see this screen in the onboarding process.

After the segmentation questions, it took me straight to the modal window (?pathway=share). To reproduce, you'll need to sign up via the direct google identity login system via a work email.

I also see "personal" recommended when I sign up via a work email address. It only happens when I use the email/password combo to sign up.

2. Cookie banner could be a little more subtle. I saw the cookie banner and the Google identity login on the same screen. Almost ate up half of the screen.

3. Users need to scroll to see the next question. (I'm on my smaller laptop so shouldn't affect most users). It could lead to higher incomplete rates. Suggestion would be to auto-scroll and align to the next one. Progress bar also doesn't progress as I answer all four questions since they're on the same vertical flow, essentially making it feel like the progress is static. Another suggestion would be to have a tooltip over Continue. Or some action when I hit Continue.

When you hit back, your progress is lost. It would be nice to partially save progress similar to how Typeform/Tally do.

4. Perhaps this entire area that says Drop files here to upload could be clickable and not just the Upload button.

A good example is YouTube Studio, though not perfect.

5. I lack business context here but would it be better to let users upload both files and folders at once? Why should someone need to make an extra click and bifurcate their search?

6. Image previews only appear after a few hours. After I upload the file, it would be nice to see the preview appear.

7. The start sharing button took me to a place where I could take no action, at least at first glance. The Share file button was disabled.

A suggestion would be to group the "Create and copy link" button with the "Share file" button. It seemed a bit odd, even though I could eventually figure it out.


8a. You probably know this, but the purchase flow opens in a new tab and not as a modal window. Not really an issue but thought I'd share incase you see an opportunity.

8b. It also doesn't say "Start Free Trial" unlike what the pricing page states.

9. Even after connecting my Google account, it doesn't pre-fill contact data. I'm thinking that was the purpose?

Typing in, doesn't bring up any contacts.

10. There are a few links that open automatically btw. The Android page is one of them.

11. Great visual in the desktop app but it doesn't scale correctly.  2GB is 0.1% of 2000GB. The visual makes it seems like it's a third of it?

12. Essentials is more expensive than Plus. Plus is cheaper than Essentials. Was a bit confusing from a naming POV btw.

13. Probably need a different name for the app and the folder. Harder to re-open it because it accidentally crashed.

14. Entered card. Payment fails. I see no reason or error message. I just keep clicking on the button and nothing happens.

15. It asks for my PAN number. PAN number is a very sensitive number related to personal income taxes. I have never seen another company ask for it.

My 2c is that if PayTm is asking for all those details from Bill, they are doing you dirty. When I pay via UPI, I should only be asked for my UPI ID (similar to a Paypal ID). It's one simple field. PayTm is likely creating an account in their software if they ask for my pan card details. PayTm's also not doing very well and could resort to doing such things to inflate their sign up numbers :(

14. There isn't anything like address number. It's a duplicate of zip code/pin code in the Dropbox flow. You could remove it. VAT is also deprecated, and replaced by GST.

15. Payment via UPI goes through and I see it in my bank account. But Dropbox never sees the light of it in the UI. In fact, I could see I had two subscriptions active and yet, it won't remove the banner in the dashboard. I'll update this if a charge goes through in 30 days.

16. Emails trigger far too often. Same emails are received twice.

Both variants of an A/B test are sent a couple of minutes apart.

Security new sign in email is received even I set a password/verify my email for the first time.

17. Kind of odd to not have a tier for 2 users.

18. Upsell (essential to business) required me to re-enter my card. Address was pre-filled though.

19. Doesn't auto-pull contacts from my work email address.

20. Desktop app for Dropbox is wonky. Kept crashing for an entire day. I couldn't reopen it. Reason was weird. Couldn't even open this message properly.

21. Still says "essentials" at the top when I have upgraded to "business"

22. Even when I see the "Billing Method Updated Successfully", it refuses to remove the banner.

23. Share works on one folder at time. Maybe have it work on multiple folders?

24. Surprised I never saw that you have this feature in the UI. So cool!

25. Replay onboarding asks users to upload a video and she waits for a few seconds for us to upload. I don't see any button in the same screen.

26. Upgrade bug in replay. I click on Learn more

Takes me here.

27. Tiny, but that "Feedback" link isn't easy to see.

28. Could reduce the spacing at the top.

29. Have you considered allowing people to embed Replays in their website? It doesn't seem like it works today.

30. All CTAs in app don't mention that free trial is available btw. It would improve the CTR in the button copy if it was clearer that there's a trial available?


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